The Big Hope: Sand Through our Fingers ...?
Well I was determined not to let that fantastic Big Hope 'feeling' slip through my fingers. I cannot speak for everyone but I left the Congress absolutely full of inspiration, rejuvenated, raring to go, and bursting to get on with living, properly. So much have I learned that it's truly hard to keep it all contained in this small brain of mine.
Added to our own Strand "A Life with More Meaning" where we talked about the need we have for reasons to do the things we do, some religious, some absolutely not, there were so many other people doing such wonderful things around the world working to prevent us as a global family from losing our humanity entirely, faced as we undoubtedly are with the onslaught of the money and power culture in which most of us are forced to live. It was a shear joy to share with you all some amazingly in-depth thoughts about how we each and every one of us play a part in either adding too or, if we are mindful, changing the world.
I just wanted to send this message to you to extend an enormous "thank you" for all that you and everyone else at the Congress has given me.
As you know my role here at the University is to look after the Alumni network. Around 36,000 individuals, who are all, to one degree or another connected with Liverpool Hope University. The power we hold as a group therefore, if we can only succeed in harnessing it, is very very real.
So, as a message to you all, delegates or alumni whatever I can do to work with you to help keep the Big Hope Movement alive and vital I will gladly do: If you are involved in or know of events that you think I could promote for you for example, want me to broadcast a call for support, simply want me to publish stories, absolutely anything, just let me know. Our alumni are all over the world, working in, achieving in, involved in, leading in, all walks of life. The potential is huge.
So let's make sure that we keep in touch and prevent that sand from escaping!
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